October is Respect Life Month, this year's theme reminds us that our response to Jesus' words in John 10:10, “I came so that they might have life,” includes respect for all human life. Respect Life Ministry resources available through the link.
Join with "Together in Action" under the Walking with Moms in Need nationwide initiative to end abortion. Bishop Barber invites all to join our prayer communities in Concord, Walnut Creek and El Cerrito from Sept. 25 - Nov. 3, 2024 to stand united in prayer and supportive action to create a culture of life.
OptionsUnited.org is approved by the Catholic Conference of Bishops as the statewide hotline serving all
California pro-life organizations including 170+ pregnancy centers. The centers that Options United serves provide essential medical and material support to women in local communities. Read through the link to learn how your assistance in making this life-affirming service known is urgent.
The Office of Life and Social Justice is committed to supporting our Diocese youth and continuing to build opportunities for them to fully live our Catholic values. Read the story of our Carondelet High School Pro Life Club through the link.
Bishop Barber invites the faithful to join in Peaceful, Prayerful 40 Days of Life Vigil from February 14 to March 24 in locations in Concord, El Cerrito, and Walnut Creek. Invitation through the link.
Want to support Real Options Obria Medical Clinics? Checkout our volunteer opportunities and Clinic Wish List through the link, and please share widely!
A recent Rasmussen poll shows that support for Prop. 1 – the state’s attempt to enshrine extreme abortion protections into the state constitution – is dropping. Results indicate that only fifty-nine (59%) of voters support Prop. 1, down from sixty-six percent (66%) only weeks ago. Additional discussion through the link.
In October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday. To support these annual observances, the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities provides materials to help Catholics understand and value the gift of human life and help build a culture that cherishes and protects it.
The California Catholic Conference of Bishops profoundly welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobb’s v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which has affirmed our dearly held belief that life is precious, valuable, and should be protected, and that states have a compelling interest to protect the unborn and limit abortion. This has been our prayer, the Church’s prayer, for the last 50 years. Full statement through the link.
Read and share Bishop Michael C. Barber's Statement both celebrating and offering a Call to Action regarding the Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs vs. Jackson ruling. Read through the link.
The California bishops have proposed a different vision for California – one where women, children, and families are welcomed, supported, and accompanied by the Catholic community. Recording of our webinar conversation available through the link.
Mire el seminario web del 18 de mayo de 2022: Roe y Dobbs, la Corte Suprema y lo que sigue para California en materia de aborto. El seminario web incluye comentarios y reflexiones del obispo de Oakland, Michael Barber, la directora ejecutiva de CCC, Kathleen Domingo, y la directora de Respeto a la Vida de CCC, Molly Sheahan. Ver a través del enlace.
Watch the May 18, 2022 Webinar: Roe and Dobbs, the Supreme Court, and What’s Next for California on Abortion. The webinar includes remarks and reflections from Oakland Bishop Michael Barber, CCC Executive Director Kathleen Domingo, and CCC Respect Life Director Molly Sheahan. View through the link.
La Oficina de la Secretaría de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB ha publicado múltiples recursos para los Ministerios Respeto a la Vida 2022-2023. Reseña a través del enlace.
The Office of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities has published multiple resources for the 2022-2023 Respect Life Ministries. Review through the link.
La filtración del borrador del dictamen de la Corte Suprema en el caso Dobbs provocó que el gobernador y los líderes legislativos de California anunciaran su intención de crear una enmienda constitucional en California para proteger el derecho al aborto. Esto destruirá vidas, familias y limitará significativamente la capacidad de la Iglesia Católica en California para proteger a los no nacidos. Este es el momento para que la Iglesia y sus 12 millones de católicos intervengan en sus comunidades, se opongan activa y públicamente a esta enmienda y cumplan con nuestra responsabilidad bautismal de proteger la vida en cada etapa y en cada oportunidad.
The leak of the draft Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs case triggered the governor and California legislative leadership to announce its intent to create a California constitutional amendment to protect the right to abortion. This will destroy lives, families, and significantly limit the ability of the Catholic Church in California to protect the unborn. This is the moment for the Church and its 12 million Catholics to engage with their communities, actively and publicly oppose this amendment, and fulfill our baptismal responsibility to protect life at every stage, and at every opportunity.