Schools for the Diocese of Oakland will remain on Long-Term Dismissal through at least May 1, 2020. Please click on the link above for more information.
This year marks the 42nd year since the inception of Family Aid-Catholic Education, which has grown tremendously since 1978! FACE remains firm in its unwavering mission to break the cycle of poverty in the East Bay, one family at a time, by helping to provide access to quality education. The Annual FACE Gala 2020 has moved to a Virtual Event that will include a Silent and Live Auction, Named Scholarship Opportunities, and Tuition Pops. Please join us on March 30th-April 7th
The Chrism Mass will still be celebrated in the Cathedral as scheduled on April 2, 2020 at 7pm. However, in light of the shelter-in-place order in effect for the Bay Area, the Chrism Mass will NOT be open to the public and only a limited number of clergy will participate. The public may participate in the Chrism Mass via livestream through the Cathedral of Christ the Light’s Facebook page
La Diócesis de Oakland está trabajando con los servicios funerarios locales y los cementerios para proporcionar ministerio pastoral a las familias, y al mismo tiempo cooperar con los funcionarios de salud pública para frenar la propagación del coronavirus. Los sacerdotes continuarán proporcionando el Rito de Sepelio del cuerpo en el cementerio, con no más de 10 personas presentes. Se observarán todas las reglas del CDC con respecto al distanciamiento social y la higiene. Una Santa Misa Fúnebre apropiada se puede celebrar en una fecha posterior en la Iglesia parroquial, después de que los funcionarios de salud pública hayan levantado las restricciones a las reuniones públicas.
The Diocese of Oakland is working with local funeral services and cemeteries to provide pastoral ministry to families, while also cooperating with public health officials to slow down the spread of coronavirus. Priests will continue to provide the Rite of Committal of the body at the cemetery, with no more than 10 individuals present. All CDC guidelines regarding social distancing and hygiene will be observed. A proper Funeral Mass may be celebrated at a later date in the parish church, after public health officials have lifted restrictions on public gatherings.
En colaboración con los funcionarios locales del Área de la Bahía, y al servicio del bien común de nuestras comunidades y nuestro país, la Diócesis de Oakland está implementando de inmediato las siguientes acciones:
In collaboration with local bay area officials, and in service to the common good of our communities and our country, the Diocese of Oakland is immediately putting into effect the following actions: ...
The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service has been established to receive reports of sexual abuse and related misconduct by bishops, and to relay those reports to proper Church authorities for investigation. Further details about this reporting service can be found through the link.
On March 14,, Contra Costa County issued a decree banning all gatherings of 100 or more people under penalty of misdemeanor, from March 15-31. Exemptions were given for classrooms and hospitals, airports and dormitories, and homeless camps. But no exceptions were made for houses of worship. Sunday Masses in our Contra Costa County parishes will proceed as follows: 1. Priests may still conduct Mass for up to 100 people. Attendance may already be down because of the dispensation from the Sunday obligation and general health concern. 2. Mass may be cancelled. (The extreme option). 3. At the suggestion of some pastors, an excellent middle option: Expose the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar all day Sunday. People can come in and pray at the time of their convenience. A priest or deacon can be available all day to offer Holy Communion. Give the people a leaflet with Sunday Scripture and a short reflection, which they could take home for further prayer. This will diffuse the attendance, let people spread out in the church, and still offer them spiritual nourishment and support.
We've collected a list of online Masses which parishes may want to distribute, along with information on any online liturgies the parish is providing. You can find it at The US Conference of Catholic Bishops also has provided a prayer for printing (English and Spanish) or sharing on social media.Click on the headline of this article for more details.
Because of the heightened concern for the well-being of all our people in light of the Coronavirus, especially the elderly, Bishop Barber is dispensing from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for all Catholics in the Diocese of Oakland. Effective immediately, this dispensation will remain in effect until further notice. We will continue to monitor the recommendations of public health officials and re-evaluate as the situation warrants. In the meantime, our churches and chapels remain open. Masses will continue to be celebrated and confessions heard, in order to provide for the spiritual consolation of the faithful. We leave the decision to attend Mass or not to each individual's discretion.
Debido a la creciente preocupación por el bienestar de todos los fieles a la luz del Coronavirus, especialmente los ancianos, el Obispo Michael C. Barber, SJ esta dispensando de la obligación de asistir a la Misa dominical a todos los católicos en la Diócesis de Oakland. Inmediatamente se efectuará y esta dispensa permanecerá vigente hasta nuevo aviso. Continuaremos monitoreando las recomendaciones de los funcionarios de salud pública y reevaluaremos a medida que la situación lo amerite. Mientras tanto, nuestras iglesias y capillas permanecerán abiertas. Se seguirán celebrando Misas y se escucharán confesiones para proporcionar consuelo espiritual a los fieles. Dejamos la decisión de asistir a misa o no a discreción de cada individuo.
Bishop Michael Barber, SJ, offers five additional recommendations to parishes and parishioners and dispenses the obligation to attend Mass for those over age 60 and for the ill. Click on the link above for more information.
On January 1, 2020, Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) went into effect and may impact whether your workers are treated as employees or as independent contractors under California law. A worker is considered an employee, and not an independent contractor, unless the hiring entity can demonstrate that it meets all three specific requirements. For more information, click on the link above.
Since sending out our Diocesan Guidelines last week, some further questions have been raised by priests and the faithful concerning reception of Holy Communion and about health in general as concerns about the coronavirus rise.