The Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly is July 24, 2022. Through the link you will find pastoral resources from the Dicastery for Laity Family and Life.
The "Pope Video" for July has just been released with the prayer intention that Francis is entrusting to the entire Catholic Church through the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.
The 2022 "Bill Ford" CYO scholarships have been awarded by the CYO Scholarship Committee. After a selection process with twenty eight 8th grade CYO players applying, three were selected: For information on the awardees and for more details, click on the link above.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has money available to fund East Bay non-profit groups engaged in community organizing and/or economic development with low-income residents. Grants for up to $10,000 will be made in October. Application materials through the link.
Lea y comparta la declaración del obispo Michael C. Barber celebrando y ofreciendo un llamado a la acción con respecto a la decisión de la Corte Suprema en el fallo de Dobbs vs. Jackson. Lea a través del enlace.
La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de California recibe con profunda satisfacción la decisión de la Corte Suprema en el caso Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, que ha afirmado nuestra arraigada creencia de que la vida es preciosa, valiosa y debe ser protegida, y que los estados tienen un interés imperioso en proteger al no nacido y limitar el aborto. Esta ha sido nuestra oración, la oración de la Iglesia, durante los últimos 50 años. Leer a través del enlace.
The California Catholic Conference of Bishops profoundly welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobb’s v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which has affirmed our dearly held belief that life is precious, valuable, and should be protected, and that states have a compelling interest to protect the unborn and limit abortion. This has been our prayer, the Church’s prayer, for the last 50 years. Full statement through the link.
Read and share Bishop Michael C. Barber's Statement both celebrating and offering a Call to Action regarding the Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs vs. Jackson ruling. Read through the link.
In “The Pain of Racism: Can Grace Ensue”, Bishop Barber shares his apology to all those who have experienced ad suffered from racism from Catholics in the Diocese of Oakland. He also shares a discussion with Fr. Leo Edgerly, Jr. on Fr. Augustus Tolton and thoughts on the established Racial Justice Task Force established in 2020.
CBI is a three-year, comprehensive Bible study program that focuses one year on Old Testament, one on New Testament, and a third on practical skills for facilitating Bible-based processes among a variety of parish groups and beyond. Starts August 27, 2022. Register by 8/26.
The July issue of The Catholic Voice magazine should appear in mailboxes this week. If you have submissions for the September issue, please send to Michele Jurich, editor, at [email protected], by July 1, 2022. Fall festivals and carnivals in your future? Please let us know.
The California bishops have proposed a different vision for California – one where women, children, and families are welcomed, supported, and accompanied by the Catholic community. Recording of our webinar conversation available through the link.
Please take a moment to talk with your Senators about common sense measures USCCB supports to prevent gun violence. If you have been directly impacted by gun violence, you are invited to consider sharing you story with your elected official(s). Learn more through the link.
Girls' CYO Basketball season for the western half of the diocese concluded with the first basketball playoffs in two years. All grades in two participating leagues finished the season with leading teams in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades meeting for a 10 team weekend playoff. For details, click the link above
Mire el seminario web del 18 de mayo de 2022: Roe y Dobbs, la Corte Suprema y lo que sigue para California en materia de aborto. El seminario web incluye comentarios y reflexiones del obispo de Oakland, Michael Barber, la directora ejecutiva de CCC, Kathleen Domingo, y la directora de Respeto a la Vida de CCC, Molly Sheahan. Ver a través del enlace.
Watch the May 18, 2022 Webinar: Roe and Dobbs, the Supreme Court, and What’s Next for California on Abortion. The webinar includes remarks and reflections from Oakland Bishop Michael Barber, CCC Executive Director Kathleen Domingo, and CCC Respect Life Director Molly Sheahan. View through the link.
La Oficina de la Secretaría de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB ha publicado múltiples recursos para los Ministerios Respeto a la Vida 2022-2023. Reseña a través del enlace.