Article 13 of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People states that "When a priest or deacon, not incardinated in the diocese/eparchy, is to engage in ministry in the diocese/eparchy, regardless of the length of time, the evaluation of his background may be satisfied through a written attestation of suitability for ministry supplied by his proper ordinary/major superior to the diocese/eparchy.”
The letter is specific to the event happening in the receiving diocese – the celebration of sacraments, a retreat, a presentation, etc. These letters must come directly from the major superior or bishop. They cannot be carried by the visiting clergy, nor can we accept “celebret” cards sent or carried by the visiting clergy. The letter of suitability for ministry should be sent to Chancellor Rick Medeiros, 2121 Harrison St., Oakland 94612. If schedules do not allow the letter to be sent via postal mail, please email to or call 510-267-8334.