The Environmental Justice Ministry seeks to provide resources to help educate parishes about the Catholic Social Teaching behind environmental justice and prepare them to work towards caring for God's creation.
"I hope that as we become more aware of our responsibility to care for nature and the earth, we will also be moved to care more for our neighbors —especially the poor."
-Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ
"Laudato Si and California's Water Crisis" in America Magazine
A virtual two-part workshop, presented by the Catholic Climate Covenant and the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests, where you will learn how to launch the Vatican's Laudato Si' Action Platform in your diocese, parish, school, or ministry. Held Wednesday September 11 & 18, 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Signup through the link.
In the spirit of "Laudato Si'", we are called to care for God's creation by being stewards of our common home. The Life & Social Justice Ministry invites our parish spaces to bring the entire community into the process of beautifying our parish spaces through donations, youth engagement, and creativity.
Check out this process at St. Mary's Church in Walnut Creek where a garden came out of a community project led by the youth of the parish. Plants and materials were donated by a parishioners and mural was designed by one of youth in collaboration to Faith Formation staff.
If you are interested in a beautification project at your parish, contact Kiona Medina at [email protected] for more information. Let us transform our parishes by caring for our common home and engaging community.
Pope Francis has invited the whole world to take up with renewed vigor the challenge of rescuing and caring for the earth which is our Common Home. This action platform is meant to help those who want to increase their commitment to bringing Laudato Si to life by promoting a set of actions over a period of seven years. You take steps, but you take them with your family, in your school, in your parish--so you can foster change among those around you.
Parish Pledge for Laudato Si'
Plan of ActionClimate Action Pledges for Parishioners
Find resources for creating climate change awareness programs at a university. Learn more.
Find resources for Laudato Si', Theological reflection guides, sustainability toolkits, and more. Learn more.
Find reflections, prayers, lesson plans, letters you can send to local representatives to advocate for action to protect those affected by climate change. Learn more.
A project of the Franciscan Action Network, which works towards encouraging members to take action to care for the Earth while reflecting on Catholic Teaching.
Find resources for all ages: picture books, videos, reflections, and quotes from Church Teaching on ecology. Learn more.
Register your parish or ministry to recieve and share updates about local environment-related events and network with other local organizations. Information avavilable for individuals, parishes, and more. Learn more.