The Diocese of Oakland has released a COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for which strongly recommends all clergy, employees, and volunteers get the vaccine as soon as possible. Full policy available through the link.
The 43rd Annual FACE Gala will take place on April 24, 2021 in a virtual format. Additional details and registration information coming soon. We hope you can join us!
In partnership with the Catholic health systems and Catholic Charities throughout the Golden State, the Catholic Bishops of California urge all Californians to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Full statement through the link.
En colaboración con los sistemas de salud católicos y las organizaciones de Caridades Católicas de todo el Estado Dorado, los Obispos Católicos de California instan a todos los californianos a vacunarse.
Bishop Barber shares an announcement about the appointment of Fr. Jimmy as Director of the Office of Faith Formation and Evangelization. This appointment is effective February 1, 2021.
On January 25, the newest issue of The Catholic Voice will be available online. This issue includes a feature on Catholic elementary schools in our Diocese. You can access the issue through the link.
The Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles, on behalf of the USCCB, offers prayers for the new President and his family. Bishop Barber joins in this unifying statement, available through the link.
Please join in prayer on January 20 for President-Elect Biden, for our country, and all her leaders. We share with you the "Prayer for Our Government" by Archbishop John Carroll, First Bishop of the United States.
Declaración sobre justicia racial por el Reverendísimo Michael C. Barber, S.J., Obispo de Oakland y el Grupo de Trabajo para la Justicia Racial de la Diócesis de Oakland.
Bishop Barber and the Diocese of Oakland Task Force for Racial Justice have published a statement on racial justice to share widely with parishes in our diocese. The statement is available in multiple languages through the link.
Preparations are underway for the 2021 Bishop's Appeal. The Office of Mission Advancement shares their thanks for all efforts to meet 2020's goal as they begin to set the tone for this year. Details through the link.
What Are You Seeking? Celebrate for four Sundays, January 17, 2021 through February 7, 2021. Live stream through Facebook, YouTube, Zoom or Church website: www.
Join a virtual celebration of OneLife LA on January 23. Requiem Mass presided over by Archbishop José Gomez. Program details, including registration, available through the link.
The FDLC has prepared a resource webpage to enrich parish celebrations for “Sunday of the Word of God,” which takes place Jan. 24, 2021. Details through the link.
A huge thank you from Matt Gray of the Catholic Community of Pleasanton for contributions toward the gift card Christmas program total $13,318.89. Chaplain Richard Denoix, Coordinator Detention Ministry, share more through the link about the impact made.