The US bishops have called for Catholics, and all those of goodwill, to come together in solidarity in our personal prayers and Masses on the solemn anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. This special Mass will be help Saturday, August 8, 2020 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
A personal retreat provides an opportunity to get away from hectic life. All rooms equipped with WiFi. Special retreat events on August 28-30, October 9-11, November 6-8 and December 4-6 with Sr. Celeste Crine with contemplative prayer, reflection and Tai chi.
Bishop Barber, S.J., of the Oakland Diocese, Bishop Fabre of Dicoese of Houma-Thibodaux, and Bishop Perry of Archdiocese of Chicago - on behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - urge Congressional Black Caucus Leaders to support federal emergency relief for urban Catholic school students.
En este taller interactivo de salud mental, el Padre Stephan Kappler, Psy.D., C.Psych., y la Sra. Lupita Ortiz-Barattino, Educadora de Salud Mental para La Familia Counseling / Cultura y Bienestar explorarán junto con ustedes las dinámicas de nuestras emociones humanas, durante estos tiempos difíciles.
Con alabanza y acción de gracias al Dios Triuno Todopoderoso, la Diócesis de Oakland anuncia con gozo e invita a asistir a la Ordenación de Huong Dinh y Candelario Jiménez a la Sagrada Orden del Diaconado, a través de la imposición de manos y la Invocación del Espíritu Santo por parte del Reverendísimo Michael Barber, SJ. **Abierto al público. Asistencia máxima: 250 personas. Se requiere inscripción para asistir. Inscríbase en el enlace a continuación.**
El Seminario y Universidad de St. Patrick (STPSU, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que deberá cancelar su Gala anual de recaudación de fondos programada para el 12 de septiembre. STPSU informa que a pesar de los desafíos de la pandemia, los seminaristas pudieron completar con éxito sus estudios de manera remota en el último período.
The Cathedral Communications Manager oversees both the internal and external communications, including website, social media, and messaging the priorities of the Cathedral. Position description and process available at:
St. Patrick’s Seminary & University (STPSU) has announced that its annual Gala fundraiser, scheduled for September 12, will be canceled. Gala to resume in September, 2021. Please support today by donating at
With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty Triune God the Diocese of Oakland joyfully announces and invites you to attend the Ordination of Huong Dinh and Candelario Jimenez to the Sacred Order of the Diaconate through the imposition of hands and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit by The Most Reverend Michael Barber, SJ. **Open to the public. Max of 250 attendees. Registration required to attend.**
Worldwide Marriage Encounter 3RE is a weekend for married Christian couples who value their relationship and desire a richer, fuller life together. Join Ray & Roberta Montes for a Virtual Marriage Encounter Session on August 1, 2020.
Charting Toward Intimacy is a new podcast sponsored by the Marriage and Family Life Ministry. The launch is timed to introduce the 2020 Natural Family Planning Week. Follow the podcast at, and on instagram @chartingtowardintimacy.
On August 8, 2020, join a day long virtual retreat for Catholic women ages 18-40 interested in religious life. Sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. Register online for this Zoom event at For more information contact Sr. Mary Yun, [email protected] or 213.760.3085.
The 3rd Annual Mary Magdalen Festival is online-only this year! Come join the parishioners of St. Mary Magdalen as they celebrate their patron saint during the weekend of July 25th & 26th. See for details.
Fr. Carl Arcosa, Director of the Office of Vocations & Seminarians, shares a video giving thanks to God for the presence and the new mission of the Franciscans of the Renewal, who answered the call of our Bishop to minister in our Diocese especially to our youth and the poor.
Contra Costa County has issued a new social distancing order ( prohibiting “Indoor religious services and cultural ceremonies.”