Our thanks to all those parishes who have rolled out the 2023 Bishop’s Ministries Appeal. We are already receiving some wonderful gifts. Would you please put this link on your parish website? https://www.oakdiocese.org/bishops-appeal-donation-page. Read more through the link.
Notice of Potential Repurpose or Reimbursement of Funds Donated to St. Joseph Parish in Fremont, for the "To Build Church" Project from 1999-2022. St. Joseph Parish, 43148 Mission Boulevard, Fremont, wishes to inform donors who donated from 1999-2022 to their “To Build Church” campaign of the opportunity to repurpose donated funds to the current needs of the parish, or to receive a reimbursement of their donated funds. Additional details through the link.
The death of a loved one is unlike any other loss. Although there is no right or wrong path, these are stepping stones that are part of each grief journey, and we will explore them in this eight-week series of workshops. This will be held at St. Elizabeth Seton Church, 4001 Stoneridge Drive, Pleasanton on Thursday evenings at 7pm beginning April 13 ending June 1. Additional details through the link.
Long-time CYO and high school referee Brandon Mason loans his many talents to CYO games including his talent as the "Dancing Ref!" A recent ABC Channel 7 report featured Brandon. Click the link above to watch, learn about Brandon and his love for young people, and, like Brandon, have fun!