These pages are meant to be a resource, to guide you on your stewardship journey. We welcome your talents and gifts. Please contact us at any point if you have questions, need more information or decide to join or launch a Stewardship effort within your parish. We invite you to learn more about how you can become involved through our
7 Steps to Parish Stewardship Success.
Take the first step! Here is an assessment to help you determine how prepared your parish is for a successful stewardship effort!
Regional meetings on stewardship
Regional meetings are often scheduled to reacquaint clergy, pastoral staffs, pastoral council members and other parish leaders with the spirituality of stewardship so they can implement new efforts to help Catholics renew and embrace the challenge of living a life of stewardship. Please check back for information on upcoming meeetings.
At the meetings, parish leaders will receive the diocese’s new stewardship manual and a stewardship calendar. You will learn about various resources available to assist in making stewardship a lifestyle in your parish communities.
Here is an assessment to help you determine how prepared your parish is for a successful stewardship effort!