Morrie Fund – Day-to-Day Operating Expenses
The Morrie Fund supports the day-to-day operating expenses for SPRED, including but not limited to the SPRED Model Center, program supplies, and stipend for the Community Religious Worker.
The STW Fund supports the various retreats that SPRED hosts every year, including the annual Labor Day Retreat, a weekend for adult friends and catechists to come together to share faith, renew friendships, and participate in spiritual activities.
Mission & Vision Fund
The Mission and Vision Fund ensures the continued growth of SPRED in the Diocese of Oakland. This includes expenses for New SPRED Centers and outreach.
Special Religious Education (SPRED) has operated a successful and growing ministry to the special needs community of the Diocese of Oakland for 40 years. In the face of rising operating expenses, SPRED continues to realistically assess these expenses and perform appropriate fundraising.
The purpose for having restricted funds is to allow for operation of SPRED on a yearly basis. SPRED donors have always desired that their donations be used for the sole purpose of operating and supporting SPRED financially. SPRED honors these restricted funds granted to us by our donors and given in support of our mission as stated.
Thank you for your support of the SPRED ministry!