In the Gospel of Luke, the Angel Gabriel told Mary the good news that a child would be born and that she was to be the Mother of our Savior. When she asked, "How can this be?" the angel told her not to be afraid for "nothing is impossible with God." The Gabriel Project announces the same comforting message to you:
You are not alone. We can help.
We are members of the churches in your city and neighborhood. We care about you and want to help you. We offer you immediate, practical assistance with your pregnancy. More than anything else we will embrace you as family and friend.
By employing our individual talents, collaborating with various ministries in the parish or diocese and utilizing community resources, we stand ready to provide you with the kinds of assistance that you need in caring for yourself and your child.
We look forward to meeting with you and, together, assessing your specific needs. The Gabriel Project of California heartily welcomes you regardless of your faith background.
You can be an angel and your parish a Host of Angels.
For more information on how you and your parish could participate, visit The Gabriel Project, or contact David Zarri at (925) 686-9277 or [email protected].
Excerpts from multiple emails received from Auxiliary Angel PG:
"Those prospective angels have no clue what wonderful grace is waiting for them when they meet and mentor moms."
"If we just build up one woman, one family at a time, we can make a difference."
"I cannot tell you what a joy it has been having the opportunity to mentor young mothers and counsel young women who fear carrying through their pregnancies."
"Sometimes I find more heroism and spirit of sacrifice in these very young teenage mothers than their older counterparts. She is a very special girl."
"I told them both that I was an auxiliary angel and it was a very fulfilling and joyful ministry. I talked to them about my girls whom I have gotten to love and who have changed the course of their lives by choosing life for their babies. And as angels, we would have the opportunity of encouraging them."
"She is like a little sponge. We talked about charting her life focused on her daughter and remaining chaste until one day God might bring her a young man who will love them both in the context of marriage. She soaked it up. I just know with God’s grace, she can live up to this ideal."
"I went to visit L and her beautiful new baby at their new place yesterday. What a joyful scene it was with her and her siblings all taking turns having their pictures taken with the new baby."
"When her mother first caught sight of me at a distance when we were meeting for the first time, she burst into tears. I knew I represented to her the loving concern of Our Lord, and that she wouldn’t be carrying her cross alone. I felt at that moment I could do this forever. If people only knew what a joy it is to be a part of changing lives."
"I texted ‘L’ last night to ask her how school was coming along. I also told her I loved her and that she was very special to me. This was her response, ” I love u too. Since I met u my life turned around”. That sure made my day. What seems effortless to us who care for these moms makes such a difference to them."
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